Stay On Track with Your Orthodontic Treatment: Traveling Tips for Braces and Aligners!

Embarking on a journey from Castle Pines, CO? Don’t let your braces or aligners from Castle Pines Orthodontics hinder your adventure. Whether you’re exploring the scenic beauty of the area or enjoying local attractions, these traveling tips will help you maintain your orthodontic treatment without missing a beat. 


Pack Your Orthodontic Essentials 

Before you head out to explore, make sure you have your orthodontic essentials with you. Pack a toothbrush, orthodontic toothpaste, floss threaders, and orthodontic wax to tackle any situation while you’re on the move. 


Opt for Orthodontic-Friendly Foods 

While enjoying the local cuisine, remember to choose braces-friendly options like soft foods and lean proteins. For aligner wearers, be sure to remove your aligners before indulging and clean your teeth thoroughly before reinserting them. 


Maintain Oral Cleanliness On the Go 

Whether you’re hiking in the outdoors or visiting local attractions, keep a travel-sized water flosser and interdental brushes on hand to ensure your braces or aligners stay clean and free from debris. 


Stay Hydrated for Optimal Oral Health 

The Colorado climate can be dry, so make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Swishing water around your mouth after eating can also help dislodge food particles and keep your mouth fresh. 


Utilize Portable Mirrors 

A compact mirror can be your best friend. Use it discreetly to check for trapped food particles or ensure your aligners are fitting comfortably. 


Alleviate Discomfort On the Go 

If you experience discomfort from braces or aligners, be prepared with a travel-sized container of orthodontic wax and over-the-counter pain relievers to manage any irritation or soreness. 


Schedule Regular Check-ins 

If your travels take you away from Castle Pines for an extended period, consider scheduling regular check-ins at Castle Pines Orthodontics. Our experts can ensure your treatment stays on track and offer advice tailored to your unique journey. 



Exploring Castle Pines and its surroundings should be a joy, and your orthodontic treatment journey should only add to that enjoyment. By incorporating these practical solutions, you can confidently embrace the challenges of braces or aligners while experiencing all the wonders of the area. Remember, your smile transformation is a journey worth caring for. To learn more or schedule an appointment, reach out to Castle Pines Orthodontics today! 


Ready to explore Castle Pines and beyond with a stunning smile? Contact Castle Pines Orthodontics to schedule an appointment or learn more about effectively managing your braces or aligners during your travels. Your journey to a beautiful smile continues wherever you go! 

Ceramic Braces: Exploring the Benefits and Features at Castle Pines Orthodontics

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we understand that achieving a beautiful smile is a top priority for many of our patients. For those seeking a more discreet and aesthetically pleasing option than traditional metal braces, ceramic braces offer an excellent solution. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of ceramic braces, exploring what they are, their unique features, and the advantages they provide for orthodontic treatment. 


What are Ceramic Braces? 


Ceramic braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that shares similarities with traditional metal braces. The main difference lies in the material used for the brackets. Instead of metal brackets, ceramic braces feature clear or tooth-colored ceramic brackets that blend in with the natural color of the teeth. This makes them far less noticeable, making them an attractive choice for patients seeking a more discreet option. 


The Advantages of Ceramic Braces 


  1. Aesthetics: The primary advantage of ceramic braces is their discreet appearance. Their tooth-colored or clear brackets make them blend seamlessly with the teeth, allowing patients to smile with confidence throughout their treatment journey.


  1. Effectiveness: Ceramic braces are just as effective as traditional metal braces in treating various orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, misalignment, and bite problems.


  1. Comfort: The ceramic brackets are designed with smooth edges, minimizing irritation to the cheeks and lips, and providing a comfortable orthodontic experience.


  1. Stain-Resistant: The advanced ceramic materials used in these braces are resistant to staining, ensuring they remain inconspicuous and maintain their clarity throughout the treatment process.


How Do Ceramic Braces Work? 


Similar to traditional braces, ceramic braces consist of brackets that are bonded to the teeth and connected by archwires. The orthodontist will periodically adjust the archwires to guide the teeth into their desired positions gradually. Patients will need to attend regular check-ups at Castle Pines Orthodontics, where the orthodontist will monitor their progress and make any necessary adjustments. 


Caring for Ceramic Braces 


Caring for ceramic braces involves maintaining excellent oral hygiene. Regularly brushing and flossing, along with attending regular check-ups, will help ensure the treatment progresses smoothly. Additionally, patients should avoid consuming foods and drinks that may cause staining to keep the braces looking their best. 




Ceramic braces offer a discreet and effective orthodontic solution for patients seeking a more inconspicuous way to achieve a stunning smile. At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we take pride in providing personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs. Schedule a consultation with us today to explore how ceramic braces can help you achieve the smile of your dreams while maintaining your natural confidence. 


Schedule Your Consultation 


Contact Castle Pines Orthodontics on our website to schedule a consultation for ceramic braces. Discover the power of discreet orthodontic treatment with Castle Pines Orthodontics. 

What Causes Crooked Teeth? Exploring the Factors with Castle Pines Orthodontics 


Crooked teeth not only affect your appearance but also your overall dental health. They can cause issues with oral hygiene, speech, and other health problems if left untreated. In this blog post, Castle Pines Orthodontics in Castle Pines, CO will explore the factors that can cause crooked teeth. 

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

what causes crooked teeth

  • GeneticsOne of the most common causes is genetics. If your family members have crooked teeth, you may be more likely to develop them as well. This is because the size and shape of your jaw and teeth are inherited traits. 
  • Early Childhood HabitsCertain habits, including thumb sucking, pacifier use, and tongue thrusting can put pressure on the teeth and jaw, causing misalignment and crookedness. 
  • Injuries or Trauma A blow to the face or mouth can cause teeth to shift or become displaced, leading to crookedness. 
  • Poor Oral HabitsPoor oral habits such as inadequate brushing or flossing, excessive sugar intake, and not visiting the dentist regularly can contribute. These habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues that can impact the alignment of your teeth. 


Addressing Crooked Teeth with Castle Pines Orthodontics 

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we understand the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile. That’s why we offer a variety of orthodontic treatments including braces, clear aligners, and more. If you’re experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Castle Pines Orthodontics. We can help you achieve a healthier and more confident smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a straighter smile. 


Spring Break with Braces: A Guide to Having Fun and Maintaining Your Orthodontic Treatment

Spring break is a time for fun and adventure, but if you have braces, you may be wondering how to keep your orthodontic treatment on track while still enjoying your break. Whether you’re planning a beach vacation, a road trip, or just some time off from school, it’s important to be mindful of your braces and take steps to protect your teeth and gums.

Pack a Braces Care Kit

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you’re taking care of your braces while on spring break is to pack a braces care kit. This should include a toothbrush and toothpaste, dental floss and interdental cleaners, orthodontic wax or orthodontic relief wax, a water bottle and straw, a small first-aid kit, pain relievers, and a travel-sized orthodontic wax remover or orthodontic wax re-application tool. With these items on hand, you’ll be able to maintain your oral hygiene routine and quickly address any issues that may arise with your braces.

Be Careful with What You Eat

When you have braces, it’s important to be mindful of what you eat to avoid damaging your brackets or wires. While on spring break, it’s best to avoid hard, crunchy, and sticky foods such as popcorn, ice, and chewing gum. You should also steer clear of foods that are high in sugar and acid, like candy, soda, and fruit drinks, as they can increase your risk of tooth decay and damage your braces. Additionally, avoid chewing on pens, pencils, fingernails, and other hard objects, and refrain from biting your nails, lips, and cheeks.

Have Fun and Enjoy Your Spring Break

Despite all of the precautions you need to take, spring break with braces can still be a fun and enjoyable experience. Just be mindful of your orthodontic treatment, and take steps to protect your teeth and gums while you’re enjoying your break. Whether you’re lounging on the beach, exploring a new city, or just relaxing at home, the most important thing is to have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime.

In conclusion, while spring break can be a time to let loose and enjoy life, it’s important to remember to take care of your braces during this time. By packing a braces care kit, being careful with what you eat, and enjoying your spring break while taking care of your braces, you can have a fun and memorable vacation without compromising your orthodontic treatment. Don’t forget to make an appointment with your orthodontist when you return from your trip to ensure that your braces are still on track.

Brushing With Braces: 5 Tips You Need to Know

Over four million Americans have braces at any given time. They’re still the most-trusted tool when it comes to correcting misalignments and other orthodontic issues. However, that doesn’t mean that taking care of them is intuitive.

Learning how to brush your teeth with braces can seem a little bit daunting at first. How can you be sure that you’re cleaning all those nooks and crannies? How do you floss with wires in the way?

You might not have all of the answers, but with years of orthodontic experience, we do. We’re here to tell you everything we know about brushing with braces.

Read on for our guide to brushing with braces, including tons of helpful tips that will ensure that your oral hygiene routine is rock-solid.

How to Brush Your Teeth With Braces: The Basics

You’ve got your new braces, you’re at the bathroom sink, and it’s time to brush. What do you do? Read on for the five tips you need to start brushing with braces the right way.

1. Don’t Skip Day One

We know that on the first day of starting your braces treatment, you’re going to experience some soreness. This can also happen when you have your braces tightened every few weeks or months. When your mouth is feeling tender, it’s tempting to skip a day of brushing, but we urge you not to do this.

To combat the soreness, take the proper dosage of over-the-counter pain medicine. If you’re reading this guide for one of your little ones, take a look at how much pain medicine your kids can safely take. We often recommend Ibuprofen for braces-related soreness, but Aleve is also a good option.

2. Angle Your Toothbrush

Here’s the most important tip when it comes to brushing with braces: angle your toothbrush, rather than brushing directly towards your teeth. First, angle it downward so that the bristles can scrub above the brackets. Then, angle it upward so that the bristles can scrub above the brackets.

At first, this may seem like an awkward way to brush your teeth. However, you’ll get the hang of it after a few days, and doing so will remove more of the bacteria from your teeth and prevent the plaque build-up that some braces wearers face when they don’t adjust their brushing method.

3. Brush After Eating

You should always brush your teeth at least twice a day: once in the morning, preferably after you’ve eaten breakfast, and once before going to bed. This removes the bacteria that built up overnight and throughout the day, preventing plaque, keeping your teeth pearly white, and combatting bad breath.

When you have braces, you may want to add a third brushing cycle. Because of the brackets and wires on your teeth, food particles have more places to hide, even when you wash down each meal with water. By brushing after you eat lunch, you can reduce the chances of food getting stuck behind your wires or wedged in between the brackets.

4. Brush for Three Minutes

As we mentioned already, you might find that angling your toothbrush in a new way creates an awkward brushing experience. It can also take longer since you need to go over all of your teeth with the toothbrush angled up and down. To get the best results, we recommend brushing for three minutes, rather than the typical two minutes.

Set a timer or find a great song that plays for about three minutes. Make sure to do this for at least the first few weeks of having braces so that you get a sense of how long three minutes really is.

5. Be Gentle With Your Gums

Many people assume that when they’re brushing with braces, they need to brush harder. They might worry that a soft touch won’t scrub away all of those food particles and bacteria, or that the brackets and wires are preventing the bristles of their toothbrush from reaching their teeth. As long as you use the angle method, you don’t need to apply more pressure and, in fact, shouldn’t.

Brushing your teeth with too much force can put unnecessary strain on the gums. This, in turn, can lead to a variety of issues including causing your gums to recede. Don’t neglect your gums when you’re tending to your oral hygiene, but make sure that you’re using a gentle touch.

Bonus Tips for Braces Wearers

We all know that brushing isn’t the end of any good oral hygiene routine. You’ve got more questions about how to take care of your teeth and gums while wearing braces, and we’ve got more answers. Let’s take a look at some of our bonus tips on flossing, using mouthwash, and selecting the right oral hygiene products for braces wearers.

How to Floss With Braces

If you’re feeling stumped about how to floss with braces, you’re not alone. After all, you can’t slide floss between your teeth the way you used to when there are wires in the way!

This is where a floss threader is going to come in handy. Floss threaders look just like sewing needles, only they’re made from a gentle piece of rubber. Thread the floss through the eye of the threader, slip the threader between two teeth, floss as per usual, and repeat.

You can also purchase picks for teeth with rubber or plastic bristles to remove food particles between meals and snacks. While these picks don’t replace floss, they are a good tool to have on hand throughout the day.

How to Use Mouthwash With Braces

Can you use mouthwash with braces? The answer is yes, and we encourage it.

Make sure that you purchase a fluoride rinse that does not include teeth-whitening properties. Use the fluoride rinse at least twice a day after flossing and brushing. This will help to fortify your teeth and eliminate any remaining germs or acids that could cause long-term damage.

Picking the Right Products for Braces Care

Can you use an electric toothbrush with braces? As long as it comes with a sensitive or low mode, the answer is yes. Keep in mind that whether you are using an electric toothbrush or a manual toothbrush, you should still practice the angle method.

If you do decide to use a manual toothbrush, talk to your orthodontist about what brand and type to use. You may have to replace your manual toothbrush more often when wearing braces because the metal may cause the bristles to fan out faster than usual.

We mentioned earlier that you shouldn’t use mouthwash that contains teeth-whitening properties, and the same goes for your toothpaste. Always pick fluoride-based options that aren’t designed to whiten your teeth. This is because you don’t want to whiten the areas around your brackets only to discover when your braces are removed that the area under the brackets is a completely different color.

Making Your Job Easier By Avoiding Certain Foods

You’ve probably heard by now that when you’re wearing braces, you want to avoid certain foods. The list includes:

  • chewing gum that isn’t sugar-free
  • crunchy foods like potato chips, nuts, and hard pretzels
  • popcorn and corn on the cob
  • hard candy like lollipops and jawbreakers
  • sticky or chewy candy

Why is this so important? The biggest reason is that foods that are exceptionally hard or sticky, like pretzels or gummy candy, can damage your wires and brackets. While you don’t need to stick to a diet of soft foods, you should be mindful of anything that is going to put a strain on the hardware on your teeth.

Another reason is that some of these foods, like corn on the cob, have a tendency to get stuck to brackets or behind wires. While a diligent flosser is likely to remove these food particles quickly, it’s not always worth the risk that you won’t notice right away and that you’ll develop a buildup of plaque, as a result.

Looking for a Castle Pines Orthodontist?

People have been using braces to straighten their teeth and correct orthodontic issues for decades, and the technology keeps on getting better. Still, it’s not uncommon to wonder how to brush your teeth with braces. We hope that this guide will make it easy to develop a braces-friendly oral hygiene routine that you can stick to.

Are you looking for a Castle Pines orthodontist for you or your family? We’re happy to fill that role! Fill out our new patient contact form and we’ll be in touch right away about your orthodontic needs and the services we can provide.

6 Signs It’s Time for Your Child to Get Braces

We know this situation well. Your child is about to start the new school year, you take them shopping for school supplies, and make sure to schedule their annual dentist appointment while they’re still on vacation. But at your appointment, you receive the news that your child should get braces. 

Even though there are more alternatives to traditional braces, there are still lots of people who wear braces. In fact, four million people in the US wear braces. As a parent, it can still be difficult to know if your child needs braces. Here are 6 signs your child should get braces, why braces are still recommended for dental care, and about choosing the best orthodontist.

1. Gaps

Does your child have noticeable gaps between any of their teeth? If your child is young, permanent teeth will fill in the gaps. But if your child already has permanent teeth but still has gaps, it may be time to book an appointment with the orthodontist. The braces will close the tooth gaps, not only improving the look of your child’s smile but will improve their oral health.

Tooth gaps can easily collect plaque, which hardens into a substance called tartar. When tartar is on your teeth and gums, this increases your child’s chance of getting gingivitis and periodontitis. Before gum disease forms, your child may experience pain in the teeth and gums. Tartar and plaque can also cause other mild symptoms, such as bad breath.

2. Crowded Teeth

On the contrary, your child might have too many teeth. When their permanent teeth grow in, there may not be enough room in their mouth to fit all of their teeth. The teeth won’t grow properly, which can make their teeth grow at odd angles. Crowded teeth may also cause other side effects such as difficulty chewing and developing a lisp.

Braces are beneficial to crowded teeth. The metal wires and straps will put pressure on the teeth, adjusting them in the correct position. Your child’s teeth will also appear straighter. The braces can also correct issues that the crowded teeth have caused, such as an overbite and underbite.

3. Lost Baby Teeth Early or Late

The age when your child loses their baby teeth can impact whether or not they will need braces. It’s rare for a child to lose their baby teeth early, but injury or tooth decay can cause the baby teeth to fall out at a young age. When a child loses their baby teeth early, this can cause different dental complications that may require braces.

There’s also a chance your child may lose their baby teeth late. This can cause alignment issues when their permanent teeth grow in.

Your child should lose their baby teeth by ages 6 or 7. If your child lost their baby teeth before or after this, take them to their dentist.

4. Underbite

An underbite is when your child’s bottom teeth are protruding farther than the limit of their upper teeth. This occurs when the bottom part of the jaw grows too much or the top part of the jaw grows too little. 

An underbite can cause wear and tear on the front teeth, making these teeth more prone to breakage and chipping. Since your child’s jaw is misaligned, they may struggle with chewing. Plus, if the underbite is noticeable, your child may become self-conscious.

An underbite can range from mild to severe, so it’s important to visit your dentist and discuss different treatment options.

5. Overbite

An overbite is when a child’s front teeth extend farther than their bottom teeth. Hereditary factors and natural jaw shape can cause an overbite, in addition to overcrowding teeth. Overbites range from mild to severe. In severe cases, your child may struggle to close their mouth. This can cause a variety of issues, such as breathing difficulties.

Why are braces recommended for an overbite? The wires in the braces align the jaw, pushing the front teeth back and the bottom teeth forward. Braces will also straighten their teeth, improving their smile. In addition, ceramic braces can correct an overbite.

You can also choose Invisalign for your child’s overbite, but this is recommended for mild to moderate overbites.

6. Mouth Breathing

Do you notice your child is a mouth breather? If so, they may need braces in the future. Constantly breathing from the mouth can cause issues with the shape of their face. This can impact the way their permanent teeth grow; for example, their jaw may become too narrow and there won’t be enough space for their permanent teeth.

Mouth breathing poses other problems to your child’s oral health, such as increased tooth decay. If your child is a mouth breather, it’s integral that you take them to the dentist on a regular basis.

How Long Should My Child Wear Braces?

It’s impossible to give a specific time frame. Your child may have to wear braces any time between one and three years. However, the exact amount of time needed to wear braces depends on the type of condition they have and the severity. When your child has a consultation with the orthodontist, they will create a treatment plan that may include the treatment duration.

Keep in mind that this treatment plan may change. It all depends on how your child’s teeth move — for example, if your child’s teeth are moving slowly, they may have to wear their braces for a longer period of time.

What Age Should My Child Get Braces?

Is your child old enough for braces? This depends. Some orthodontists may recommend braces for a child as young as 6 or 7 and some may not recommend braces until a child is 9.

9 is a good age because your child’s permanent teeth are completely grown. But in severe cases, an orthodontist may recommend some treatment options when your child is younger. For example, an orthodontist may also want to treat some dental concerns, such as overbites and teeth crowding, as early as possible.

Should Your Child Get Braces?

It can be difficult to know if your child should get braces. That’s why your first step is to visit a local orthodontist you can trust. If you’re in Castle Pines, Colorado, and are looking for an orthodontist, take a look at our new patient resources.

The Benefits of Straight Teeth: A Closer Look

Did you know that 9 out of 10 people have teeth that are misaligned to some degree? Many people think that having straight teeth is only a cosmetic worry, but having straight teeth is actually important to your dental health. This is because tooth alignment plays a big part in how people are able to speak, chew food, and clean their teeth.

If you have crooked teeth and even if they are only slightly crooked, they might cause you a lot more problems in the future than you’d expect. Keep reading and learn more about how having straight teeth can benefit you.

Straight Teeth Are Healthy Teeth

Any dentist, including your orthodontist in Castle Pines, will tell you that brushing and flossing your teeth is important. However, if you have crooked teeth, you might not be able to do this as well as people with straight teeth. Normally, when a person brushes their teeth, the bristles of the brush should be able to scrape along every surface of every tooth except for the surfaces bordering another tooth.

To clean the surfaces between teeth, you would use floss instead. However, if your teeth are overlapping each other or are otherwise crowded, you might not be able to do this. The toothbrush’s bristles might only be able to reach certain surfaces of your teeth and not others.

In the same vein, you might not be able to floss because your teeth might be crowded too tightly together. In this case, certain parts of your teeth will remain perpetually unclean and this can lead to many problems such as tooth decay and cavities. If left untreated, these problems can get worse and cause sensitive and painful teeth that might even need to be removed at some point.

This is not to mention that a lot of plaque and tartar can start to build up. When this happens, it can inflame your gums which will then turn into gum disease. If you leave gum disease untreated, it can also lead to tooth loss and infection.

The importance of straight teeth is that you will be able to clean your teeth completely without having to worry about missing any spots. That way, you won’t have to worry about more serious problems down the road such as tooth decay. In the end, you are actually saving yourself money by getting braces early rather than leaving your crooked teeth untreated.

More Comfort

If you have very crooked teeth, you may have a certain degree of discomfort in your jaw and teeth. That’s because crooked teeth can actually affect how your lower jaw sits. If the position of your lower jaw is strained, this can pull the muscles in your jaw, neck, and head over time.

When this happens, this can cause a lot of tension in your temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These joints are the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to chew, talk, or otherwise move your jaw up and down or back and forth.

Some people with very crooked teeth and misaligned jaws can experience painful symptoms as a result of too much strain on the temporomandibular joints. Common symptoms may include headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, earaches, and shoulder pain. These symptoms can be difficult to deal with, especially if you have more important things in your life to worry about such as work, school, or family.

Crooked teeth can also contribute to difficulty chewing food and pronouncing certain words. This is because your tongue will not have enough space or the right position to allow for proper speech. As for chewing food, crowded teeth may not be in the right position to bite or tear food.

This can actually lead to more problems such as digestive issues. If you are unable to break down your food into small pieces with your teeth, you may be more likely to experience issues such as acid reflux and poor digestion in general.

By straightening your teeth, you will see that there will be a big improvement in all of these aspects. You will no longer have any strain on your jaw and you will be able to chew and speak much more easily.

More Confidence

People with crooked teeth tend to be self-conscious about their teeth. After all, their smile doesn’t match what is conventionally attractive. As a result, they might even be too self-conscious to smile or laugh out of fear of showing their teeth.

Of course, no one should ever feel self-conscious about their smile. Fortunately, how to straighten teeth is easy and braces or aligners can help solve the problem. There are many different braces you can choose from such as metal braces, ceramic braces, or Invisalign aligners.

Whatever you choose, you will be able to get straight teeth within a year. Depending on how severe the positioning of your teeth is, you may need to wear braces longer than average. However, after a year, your teeth should be mostly straight and you will be able to see how much better your smile will look.

Once you get your braces off, you will find that your teeth will look better than ever. More than that, they will be much more comfortable and much easier to clean.

All about the Benefits of Straight Teeth

Are straight teeth necessary? Of course, they are!

Crooked teeth can cause all sorts of problems such as tooth decay, cavities, digestive problems, and jaw pain. By getting braces from your local orthodontist and straightening your teeth, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of straight teeth in no time.

If you are interested in straightening your teeth, contact us here to learn more.

The Ultimate Guide to Metal Braces

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A smile is a powerful thing. In fact, people who smile more tend to live longer lives, have less stress and get promoted more at work.

Most people aren’t born with perfect smiles. If you are looking for straighter teeth, there are orthodontic tools and cosmetic dental work that can help.

One standard tool to achieve a straighter smile is metal braces. Read the handy guide below to learn how metal braces can give you a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth.

Who Benefits From Braces?

Braces can treat many common teeth issues. If you have a crowded mouth or crooked teeth, braces may be a good option for you.

Braces aren’t only used for a straighter smile. Braces help align your upper and lower jaw if they are not in alignment. An aligned jaw and bite can keep your mouth and teeth healthy and strong.

If your jaw is out of alignment, you could be at risk for more serious dental problems. A misaligned jaw can lead to complications like insomnia, infections, and gum disease, to name a few. 

Braces can help with more than just mouth health. A crooked smile can create confidence issues, which can impact self-esteem.

Types of Braces 

You have several braces options to choose from if you have decided that it is time to straighten your smile.

Metal braces are the most common form of braces. Brackets, wire, and elastics work together to move the teeth and jaw into place gradually.

Ceramic braces work the same way as metal braces but have a different appearance. These brackets match your tooth color and are less noticeable than metal braces.

Lingual braces get cemented behind your teeth instead of on top of them. Although they are invisible, these types of braces can impact your speech.

Plastic aligners are an alternative to braces. An orthodontist will make plastic molds of your teeth. These molds are then changed out until you have an aligned smile.

Although all these choices have their benefits, metal braces can’t be beaten when it comes to popularity. 

How Do Metal Braces Work?

Traditional metal braces are not a complex orthodontic procedure.

You will first have metal brackets bonded to each tooth. These brackets are then connected by wires held in place by small colored bands.

Your orthodontist will adjust the wires to put pressure on your teeth. Over time, this pressure will shift your teeth into alignment until you have a straight smile.

Length of Treatment 

The length of your treatment can depend on several factors. The average time to wear braces is between one and three years.

This estimate can change if you have a more complex set of problems that your braces address. You can also expect to wear your braces for a longer time if you aren’t following your orthodontist’s instructions.

An orthodontist has to tighten the wire incrementally for metal braces to work. This means that you will be making regular trips to your orthodontist.

Cost of Braces 

Metal braces are the most cost-effective and affordable orthodontic option.

There is a wide range of costs for a full braces treatment. A typical set of braces can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $7,000, depending on the complexity of the treatment. If you need more orthodontic work to get your smile straight, your cost will be on the higher end of this scale.

Many dental insurances help cover some or much of the cost of metal braces. Some orthodontists also have payment plans available to help make the cost more manageable.

Advantages of Metal Braces 

It is hard to find a better option than metal braces when it comes to tried and true methods. This orthodontic choice does the best job at straightening your teeth, beating out other popular methods.

Braces can be very effective in younger jaws to help correct a bite as they grow. Metal braces are popular among kids ages 8 to 14 years old. Although many younger people have braces, they are an excellent choice for adults, too.

One fun element of braces comes from the bands that hold the wires into place. These bands come in various colors and get changed at each appointment. Changing the color of the bands can be an appealing part of the braces process.

Things to Consider About Braces

When you have metal braces, you’ll have to make sure that you are paying attention to the food that you are eating. Sticky or chewy food can pull the brackets off of your teeth. Wait until your braces come off to eat food like popcorn, gum, or corn on the cob.

Because you will be wearing these braces for many years, you will need to keep up with your dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing each night will help keep your braces in excellent condition.

There can be some discomfort when you first get your braces on. This is because your lips and tongue have to get used to the new hardware in your mouth. Thankfully, there are many remedies to help with the temporary pain.

When you have finished your braces treatment, the next step will be wearing a retainer for a while. This will keep your teeth from moving back to their original position. 

Get the Smile You’ve Been Dreaming Of

Even though metal braces are a long commitment, your straight smile and aligned jaw will be worth it.

If you are ready for a straight smile, Castle Pines Orthodontics is here to help. Our friendly team are ready to answer any questions you may have about metal braces.

Contact us today to get you on your way to a healthy, beautiful smile!


Top 5 Reasons to Visit a Family Orthodontist

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More than half of all American adults feel insecure about their teeth. About 62% cover their mouths when they laugh. Meanwhile, 61% wish they could do something to change the appearance of their teeth.

Crookedness, receding gums, and spaces between the teeth are among their top concerns.

If these concerns sound familiar, consider visiting your family orthodontist. Looking for the best orthodontist near me can improve your smile. It can help you avoid potential oral health issues like gum disease in the future, too.

Not sure if it’s time to visit an orthodontic specialist? Here are five reasons to schedule an appointment right away.

Read on to discover when you need to see an orthodontist about your teeth!


1. Crooked Teeth

If there’s a gap in your smile, the surrounding teeth could begin to lean toward the gap. Your teeth might start to look crooked as a result. If you find your crooked teeth unseemly, you might begin hiding your smile behind closed lips.

Don’t hide that beautiful smile any longer. Instead, look for the best orthodontist in Castle Pines. A professional can help straighten your teeth.

Your ortho might recommend Invisalign clear aligners or traditional metal braces. About 20% of people with braces today are adults.

You might also want to visit an orthodontist for braces if you have:

  • Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds due to your tongue’s position
  • A jaw that clicks or makes noises
  • Stress or fatigue on the jawline
  • Teeth that look crooked or crowded
  • A tendency to bite your tongue
  • Teeth that don’t close over each other properly
  • Difficulty flossing teeth
  • Difficulty brushing teeth

It’s sometimes difficult to brush and floss when your teeth are crooked. Without proper oral care, your risk of tooth decay or gum disease could increase.

If these situations sound familiar, consider orthodontic treatment like braces.

Otherwise, consider taking your child in for an appointment no later than age 7. Early treatment can help improve outcomes.

2. Bite Issues

Start looking for an orthodontist near me if you have a:

  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

A consultation appointment can help you determine if you’re experiencing any of these orthodontic issues.


If upper teeth cross behind lower teeth, you have a crossbite. You might also have a crossbite if teeth don’t meet on each site. You could experience asymmetric jaw growth as a result.

Without treatment, your gum line might recede. Gum recession can also occur due to accelerated wear and tear on the teeth.

Treatment can help you avoid complications like TMJ disorder.


If your top teeth overlap with the bottom teeth, you have an overbite. It’s normal to have a minor overbite. It could get worse over time if not corrected, though.

When you can no longer see your lower teeth each time you smile, it’s time to visit a family orthodontist. Otherwise, wear and tear can cause you to lose protective tooth enamel. You could leave your teeth vulnerable to decay.

Your risk of losing a tooth due to an accident might increase as well. For example, you could knock a tooth out due to a car or sporting accident.


When the bottom teeth overlap with the top teeth, you have an underbite.

You might notice chewing difficulties if you have an untreated underbite. When you don’t chew your food thoroughly, it can cause digestive issues. An underbite might cause premature signs of aging, impacting your appearance as well.

Treating any of these bite issues can improve the appearance of your smile, speech, and ability to chew.

3. Gaps Between Teeth

Consider visiting your family orthodontist if you or your child has large gaps between teeth.

Sometimes, these gaps can make patients feel self-conscious. Large gaps between your teeth can put your oral health at risk, too.

Each time you eat, food particles and bacteria can hide between the gaps in your smile. The particles and bacteria can mix to form plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that can cling to your teeth.

Over time, plaque can harden, creating tartar. You’ll need to have tartar removed by a dental professional. Otherwise, your oral health can become compromised further.

Visit an orthodontist to discuss your treatment options. Orthodontic treatment can help close the gaps in your smile.

4. Pain When Chewing

Sometimes, it’s not enough to look in the mirror to determine if you need orthodontic treatment. For example, you might think pain when chewing indicates you need to visit the dentist. However, your dentist might decide to refer you to your family orthodontist.

Pain when chewing could indicate a larger problem.

It’s possible you’ve started grinding your teeth at night. As a result, your jaw might feel sore when you wake up. If this problem sounds familiar, make sure to visit a specialist right away.

Understanding the root cause of the problem will help you begin the correct course of treatment.

Otherwise, tooth grinding (bruxism) can lead to complications. For example, your protective tooth enamel will begin to wear down. You can’t “regrow” enamel once it’s gone.

You might struggle to sleep at night if you’re in pain, too.

5. Speech Issues

Issues with your tooth alignment can also cause issues with your speech. For example, you might have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds. You might also develop a lisp if your teeth aren’t properly aligned.

If you or your child has developed speech issues, visit your family orthodontist right away. They’ll suggest solutions that can straighten your teeth.

The appearance of your smile will improve, as will your ability to speak clearly.

Straight Smiles: 5 Tell-Tale Reasons to Visit Castle Pines Orthodontics Today

Don’t let orthodontic issues impact your quality of life. If these problems sound familiar, visit your family orthodontist right away. A consultation appointment can help you discover issues you may not have realized, too.

With orthodontic treatment, you can straighten your smile and minimize your risk of complications down the road.

Eager to schedule your next appointment? We’re here to help.

Contact us today to get started.
