Stay On Track with Your Orthodontic Treatment: Traveling Tips for Braces and Aligners!

Embarking on a journey from Castle Pines, CO? Don’t let your braces or aligners from Castle Pines Orthodontics hinder your adventure. Whether you’re exploring the scenic beauty of the area or enjoying local attractions, these traveling tips will help you maintain your orthodontic treatment without missing a beat. 


Pack Your Orthodontic Essentials 

Before you head out to explore, make sure you have your orthodontic essentials with you. Pack a toothbrush, orthodontic toothpaste, floss threaders, and orthodontic wax to tackle any situation while you’re on the move. 


Opt for Orthodontic-Friendly Foods 

While enjoying the local cuisine, remember to choose braces-friendly options like soft foods and lean proteins. For aligner wearers, be sure to remove your aligners before indulging and clean your teeth thoroughly before reinserting them. 


Maintain Oral Cleanliness On the Go 

Whether you’re hiking in the outdoors or visiting local attractions, keep a travel-sized water flosser and interdental brushes on hand to ensure your braces or aligners stay clean and free from debris. 


Stay Hydrated for Optimal Oral Health 

The Colorado climate can be dry, so make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Swishing water around your mouth after eating can also help dislodge food particles and keep your mouth fresh. 


Utilize Portable Mirrors 

A compact mirror can be your best friend. Use it discreetly to check for trapped food particles or ensure your aligners are fitting comfortably. 


Alleviate Discomfort On the Go 

If you experience discomfort from braces or aligners, be prepared with a travel-sized container of orthodontic wax and over-the-counter pain relievers to manage any irritation or soreness. 


Schedule Regular Check-ins 

If your travels take you away from Castle Pines for an extended period, consider scheduling regular check-ins at Castle Pines Orthodontics. Our experts can ensure your treatment stays on track and offer advice tailored to your unique journey. 



Exploring Castle Pines and its surroundings should be a joy, and your orthodontic treatment journey should only add to that enjoyment. By incorporating these practical solutions, you can confidently embrace the challenges of braces or aligners while experiencing all the wonders of the area. Remember, your smile transformation is a journey worth caring for. To learn more or schedule an appointment, reach out to Castle Pines Orthodontics today! 


Ready to explore Castle Pines and beyond with a stunning smile? Contact Castle Pines Orthodontics to schedule an appointment or learn more about effectively managing your braces or aligners during your travels. Your journey to a beautiful smile continues wherever you go! 

Top 5 Reasons to Visit a Family Orthodontist

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More than half of all American adults feel insecure about their teeth. About 62% cover their mouths when they laugh. Meanwhile, 61% wish they could do something to change the appearance of their teeth.

Crookedness, receding gums, and spaces between the teeth are among their top concerns.

If these concerns sound familiar, consider visiting your family orthodontist. Looking for the best orthodontist near me can improve your smile. It can help you avoid potential oral health issues like gum disease in the future, too.

Not sure if it’s time to visit an orthodontic specialist? Here are five reasons to schedule an appointment right away.

Read on to discover when you need to see an orthodontist about your teeth!


1. Crooked Teeth

If there’s a gap in your smile, the surrounding teeth could begin to lean toward the gap. Your teeth might start to look crooked as a result. If you find your crooked teeth unseemly, you might begin hiding your smile behind closed lips.

Don’t hide that beautiful smile any longer. Instead, look for the best orthodontist in Castle Pines. A professional can help straighten your teeth.

Your ortho might recommend Invisalign clear aligners or traditional metal braces. About 20% of people with braces today are adults.

You might also want to visit an orthodontist for braces if you have:

  • Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds due to your tongue’s position
  • A jaw that clicks or makes noises
  • Stress or fatigue on the jawline
  • Teeth that look crooked or crowded
  • A tendency to bite your tongue
  • Teeth that don’t close over each other properly
  • Difficulty flossing teeth
  • Difficulty brushing teeth

It’s sometimes difficult to brush and floss when your teeth are crooked. Without proper oral care, your risk of tooth decay or gum disease could increase.

If these situations sound familiar, consider orthodontic treatment like braces.

Otherwise, consider taking your child in for an appointment no later than age 7. Early treatment can help improve outcomes.

2. Bite Issues

Start looking for an orthodontist near me if you have a:

  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

A consultation appointment can help you determine if you’re experiencing any of these orthodontic issues.


If upper teeth cross behind lower teeth, you have a crossbite. You might also have a crossbite if teeth don’t meet on each site. You could experience asymmetric jaw growth as a result.

Without treatment, your gum line might recede. Gum recession can also occur due to accelerated wear and tear on the teeth.

Treatment can help you avoid complications like TMJ disorder.


If your top teeth overlap with the bottom teeth, you have an overbite. It’s normal to have a minor overbite. It could get worse over time if not corrected, though.

When you can no longer see your lower teeth each time you smile, it’s time to visit a family orthodontist. Otherwise, wear and tear can cause you to lose protective tooth enamel. You could leave your teeth vulnerable to decay.

Your risk of losing a tooth due to an accident might increase as well. For example, you could knock a tooth out due to a car or sporting accident.


When the bottom teeth overlap with the top teeth, you have an underbite.

You might notice chewing difficulties if you have an untreated underbite. When you don’t chew your food thoroughly, it can cause digestive issues. An underbite might cause premature signs of aging, impacting your appearance as well.

Treating any of these bite issues can improve the appearance of your smile, speech, and ability to chew.

3. Gaps Between Teeth

Consider visiting your family orthodontist if you or your child has large gaps between teeth.

Sometimes, these gaps can make patients feel self-conscious. Large gaps between your teeth can put your oral health at risk, too.

Each time you eat, food particles and bacteria can hide between the gaps in your smile. The particles and bacteria can mix to form plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that can cling to your teeth.

Over time, plaque can harden, creating tartar. You’ll need to have tartar removed by a dental professional. Otherwise, your oral health can become compromised further.

Visit an orthodontist to discuss your treatment options. Orthodontic treatment can help close the gaps in your smile.

4. Pain When Chewing

Sometimes, it’s not enough to look in the mirror to determine if you need orthodontic treatment. For example, you might think pain when chewing indicates you need to visit the dentist. However, your dentist might decide to refer you to your family orthodontist.

Pain when chewing could indicate a larger problem.

It’s possible you’ve started grinding your teeth at night. As a result, your jaw might feel sore when you wake up. If this problem sounds familiar, make sure to visit a specialist right away.

Understanding the root cause of the problem will help you begin the correct course of treatment.

Otherwise, tooth grinding (bruxism) can lead to complications. For example, your protective tooth enamel will begin to wear down. You can’t “regrow” enamel once it’s gone.

You might struggle to sleep at night if you’re in pain, too.

5. Speech Issues

Issues with your tooth alignment can also cause issues with your speech. For example, you might have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds. You might also develop a lisp if your teeth aren’t properly aligned.

If you or your child has developed speech issues, visit your family orthodontist right away. They’ll suggest solutions that can straighten your teeth.

The appearance of your smile will improve, as will your ability to speak clearly.

Straight Smiles: 5 Tell-Tale Reasons to Visit Castle Pines Orthodontics Today

Don’t let orthodontic issues impact your quality of life. If these problems sound familiar, visit your family orthodontist right away. A consultation appointment can help you discover issues you may not have realized, too.

With orthodontic treatment, you can straighten your smile and minimize your risk of complications down the road.

Eager to schedule your next appointment? We’re here to help.

Contact us today to get started.
