Crafting Healthy Smiles with Nutrition in Castle Pines

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, nestled in the serene community of Castle Pines, CO, we’re dedicated to delivering exceptional orthodontic care that transcends traditional treatments. In celebration of National Nutrition Month, we’re excited to spotlight the integral role of nutrition in orthodontic health. We believe in empowering our patients with the knowledge to make nutritional choices that bolster their orthodontic treatment and enhance oral health.

Foundational Nutrition for Orthodontic Health

A robust orthodontic treatment plan includes more than just adjustments and appliances; it involves nurturing your body with the right nutrients. Our team at Castle Pines Orthodontics emphasizes the importance of a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for tooth and bone strength. Tailoring your diet to include these nutrients can significantly impact the success of your orthodontic treatment, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Dietary Adjustments for Orthodontic Success

Navigating dietary choices with orthodontic appliances can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to limit your enjoyment of food. We offer comprehensive advice on managing your diet to protect your braces or aligners, ensuring you can indulge in a variety of foods safely. From steering clear of harmful foods to introducing brace-friendly alternatives, Castle Pines Orthodontics is committed to supporting your dietary journey during orthodontic treatment.

Hydration: The Unsung Hero of Orthodontic Care

The significance of staying hydrated is often underestimated in orthodontic care. Our specialists stress the importance of ample water intake, not just for general health but also for its pivotal role in maintaining oral hygiene and ensuring the efficiency of orthodontic appliances. We provide practical tips for incorporating more water into your daily routine, aiding in the success of your orthodontic treatment and overall well-being.


At Castle Pines Orthodontics, located in the heart of Castle Pines, CO, we’re passionate about offering a comprehensive approach to orthodontic care, which includes a strong emphasis on nutrition. By adopting our dietary recommendations, you’re taking a crucial step towards achieving the best possible outcomes from your orthodontic treatment while promoting lifelong oral health. Let us guide you in making informed nutritional choices that will support your journey to a healthier, more beautiful smile.

Elevate Your Smile Confidence

Welcome to Castle Pines Orthodontics, where your journey to achieving unparalleled smile confidence begins. Situated in the serene community of Castle Pines, CO, our clinic is renowned for its commitment to providing exceptional orthodontic care. Specializing in teeth straightening and cosmetic orthodontics, we offer personalized solutions designed to enhance your smile and boost your confidence.

Tailored Orthodontic Solutions for a Radiant Smile

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we understand that every smile is unique. That’s why we dedicate ourselves to crafting individualized treatment plans that align with your specific goals and desires. Whether you’re considering traditional braces or the latest in clear aligner technology, our team employs a thoughtful approach to ensure your path to a perfect smile is as smooth and effective as possible.

A Foundation for Health: The Benefits of Aligned Teeth

Achieving smile confidence goes beyond the aesthetic appeal; it’s about fostering better oral health. Properly aligned teeth contribute to easier cleaning, improved chewing function, and a reduction in the risk of dental issues down the line. Our holistic approach at Castle Pines Orthodontics aims not only to beautify your smile but also to enhance your overall dental health, ensuring a lifetime of smiles.

Innovative Care for Optimal Results

Leveraging the latest advancements in orthodontic technology, Castle Pines Orthodontics is at the forefront of innovative care. Our commitment to utilizing modern techniques and equipment means you receive the most effective and comfortable treatment available. Our expertise in cutting-edge orthodontic solutions allows us to minimize treatment times and maximize your comfort throughout the process.

Start Your Path to Smile Confidence with Us

Embarking on your orthodontic journey with Castle Pines Orthodontics means choosing a partner dedicated to your smile and confidence. Our practice in Castle Pines, CO, is ready to welcome you and guide you toward achieving the radiant smile you’ve always desired. Let us empower you with the confidence that comes from a beautiful, healthy smile. Connect with us at Castle Pines Orthodontics, and take the first step towards transforming your smile and elevating your confidence today.

Orthodontic Technology at Castle Pines Orthodontics

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we take pride in offering cutting-edge orthodontic technology to our patients in Castle Pines, CO. Our goal is to provide you with a range of treatment options that cater to your unique needs and preferences, ensuring that your smile transformation journey is both effective and comfortable.

Traditional Braces – Time-Tested Excellence

Traditional braces using metal brackets have been a trusted and effective orthodontic treatment for decades. These braces are a testament to the enduring effectiveness of orthodontic technology. Metal brackets are affixed to your teeth and connected by a specialized wire, gently guiding your teeth into their desired positions.

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we understand that traditional braces have evolved to offer not only improved functionality but also enhanced comfort. We are committed to providing you with the best traditional braces experience possible.

Symetri Clear Braces – A Discreet Choice

For patients seeking a discreet orthodontic option, we proudly offer Symetri Clear Braces. These braces are made from a clear, durable material that seamlessly blends with your natural teeth, providing a nearly invisible treatment option. This means you can continue to smile confidently while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Symetri Clear Braces at Castle Pines Orthodontics are a testament to our commitment to both aesthetics and effectiveness in straightening your teeth.

Spark Clear Aligners – Modern and Convenient

Spark Clear Aligners are a contemporary and convenient alternative to traditional braces. These aligners offer an almost invisible way to straighten your teeth, allowing you to maintain your natural appearance throughout your treatment journey.

What sets Spark Clear Aligners apart is their clarity, comfort, and resistance to staining. Compared to other leading aligner brands, Spark offers a clearer, more comfortable, and stain-resistant option. At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we are proud to offer this innovative aligner solution to our patients, ensuring that your orthodontic experience is as convenient and effective as possible.

Your Smile Transformation Journey Begins Here

Whether you choose traditional braces, Symetri Clear Braces, or Spark Clear Aligners, Castle Pines Orthodontics is dedicated to providing you with exceptional orthodontic care. Our experienced orthodontists will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your goals and desires.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey to a more confident and radiant smile with Castle Pines Orthodontics. Your dream smile is just a phone call away!

Unlocking Smiles: Celebrating National Orthodontic Health Awareness Month


As the leaves begin to change and autumn takes hold in Castle Pines, Colorado, there’s another reason to celebrate this October – National Orthodontic Health Awareness Month. At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we take this opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of orthodontic health and how it can transform lives. Join us in commemorating this special month by diving into the world of orthodontics and learning how it can bring beautiful, healthy smiles to the Castle Pines community.


The Journey to a Perfect Smile:

Orthodontic treatment isn’t just about achieving a flawless smile; it’s about improving oral health and overall well-being. Our team at Castle Pines Orthodontics understands that every patient is unique, and that’s why we tailor our treatment plans to meet individual needs. Whether you’re a child in need of early orthodontic care or an adult considering braces or Invisalign, our orthodontists are here to guide you every step of the way.


Why Choose Castle Pines Orthodontics?

1. Expertise in Orthodontics: Our dedicated orthodontists, Dr. Smith and Dr. Johnson, are highly experienced in the field, specializing in various orthodontic treatments.
2. Cutting-Edge Technology: We stay at the forefront of orthodontic technology, ensuring our patients receive the best care possible.
3. Personalized Treatment Plans: No two smiles are the same, and neither are our treatment plans. We create customized solutions for each patient.
4. Compassionate Care: We understand that orthodontic journeys can be transformative. Our team is here to provide support and encouragement every step of the way.

Orthodontic Services at Castle Pines Orthodontics:

– Traditional Braces: Effective and time-tested, traditional braces can correct a wide range of orthodontic issues.
– Invisalign Clear Aligners: For those seeking a more discreet option, Invisalign offers a nearly invisible way to straighten teeth.
– Pediatric Orthodontics: Early intervention can prevent future orthodontic problems in children.
– Surgical Orthodontics: For complex cases, surgical orthodontics can achieve remarkable results.


Community Involvement:

Castle Pines Orthodontics is proud to be a part of the Castle Pines community. We actively engage in community events and sponsor initiatives that promote oral health awareness. Our commitment to the well-being of Castle Pines extends beyond our clinic walls.



This National Orthodontic Health Awareness Month, Castle Pines Orthodontics invites you to take the first step toward a healthier, more confident smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let’s embark on a journey to transform your smile and improve your oral health. Together, we’ll unlock the potential of your smile, one orthodontic treatment at a time.

Remember, a beautiful smile is a healthy smile, and Castle Pines Orthodontics is here to make that dream a reality. Happy National Orthodontic Health Awareness Month!

Mouth Care During Orthodontic Treatment: Tips for a Healthy Smile

Embarking on your orthodontic journey is an exciting time, and it’s essential to prioritize mouth care to ensure a healthy and successful treatment outcome. At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we believe that proper mouth care plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health during orthodontic treatment. In this blog post, we explore the importance of mouth care, common challenges faced during orthodontic treatment, and valuable tips to keep your smile healthy and vibrant throughout the process. 


Brushing Techniques for Braces 

Orthodontic appliances, such as braces, can create additional spaces where food particles and plaque can accumulate. Here are some brushing techniques to maintain good oral hygiene: 

– Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. 

– Brush after every meal and snack, paying close attention to cleaning around brackets and wires. 

– Angle your toothbrush to reach the gumline and brush in gentle, circular motions. 

– Don’t forget to brush the chewing surfaces and the backs of your teeth. 


Flossing with Orthodontic Appliances 

Flossing becomes even more crucial during orthodontic treatment to prevent gum inflammation and decay. Follow these tips for effective flossing: 

– Use floss threaders, orthodontic floss, or interdental brushes to clean between brackets and wires. 

– Gently slide the floss or brush between the teeth and along the gumline. 

– Repeat the process for each tooth, making sure to reach the sides and the spaces beneath the wires. 

– Don’t rush the process, take your time to thoroughly clean each tooth. 


Proper Nutrition for Oral Health 

Maintaining a healthy diet is vital for overall oral health during orthodontic treatment. Consider these nutrition tips: 

– Limit sugary and sticky foods that can adhere to braces and increase the risk of decay. 

– Choose a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. 

– Opt for foods that are easy to chew and won’t damage braces, such as soft fruits, steamed vegetables, and lean meats. 

– Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help flush away food particles and maintain saliva production. 


Regular Dental Check-ups 

Regular dental check-ups are essential during orthodontic treatment to monitor your oral health and address any concerns. Here’s why they are crucial: 

– Your dentist can detect early signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other oral health issues. 

– Professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar that may be difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing. 

– Your dentist can provide guidance on oral care specific to your orthodontic treatment and address any questions or concerns you may have. 



Maintaining proper mouth care during orthodontic treatment is key to achieving a healthy and beautiful smile. By following effective brushing and flossing techniques, eating a nutritious diet, and attending regular dental check-ups, you can ensure optimal oral health throughout your orthodontic journey. At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we are committed to supporting you every step of the way, providing personalized care and guidance to help you maintain a healthy smile. Embrace good mouth care habits, and let your smile shine throughout your orthodontic treatment. To request an appointment with Castle Pines, visit our website and submit your information today.

What Causes Crooked Teeth? Exploring the Factors with Castle Pines Orthodontics 


Crooked teeth not only affect your appearance but also your overall dental health. They can cause issues with oral hygiene, speech, and other health problems if left untreated. In this blog post, Castle Pines Orthodontics in Castle Pines, CO will explore the factors that can cause crooked teeth. 

What Causes Crooked Teeth?

what causes crooked teeth

  • GeneticsOne of the most common causes is genetics. If your family members have crooked teeth, you may be more likely to develop them as well. This is because the size and shape of your jaw and teeth are inherited traits. 
  • Early Childhood HabitsCertain habits, including thumb sucking, pacifier use, and tongue thrusting can put pressure on the teeth and jaw, causing misalignment and crookedness. 
  • Injuries or Trauma A blow to the face or mouth can cause teeth to shift or become displaced, leading to crookedness. 
  • Poor Oral HabitsPoor oral habits such as inadequate brushing or flossing, excessive sugar intake, and not visiting the dentist regularly can contribute. These habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other issues that can impact the alignment of your teeth. 


Addressing Crooked Teeth with Castle Pines Orthodontics 

At Castle Pines Orthodontics, we understand the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile. That’s why we offer a variety of orthodontic treatments including braces, clear aligners, and more. If you’re experiencing issues, don’t hesitate to contact the experts at Castle Pines Orthodontics. We can help you achieve a healthier and more confident smile. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a straighter smile. 


A Parent’s Guide to Children’s Orthodontics

As a parent, it can be overwhelming to navigate the process of orthodontic treatment for your child. Here is a guide to help you understand the process and ensure that your child receives the best possible care:


Schedule a consultation:

The first step in the process is to schedule a consultation with an orthodontist. During this appointment, the orthodontist will evaluate your child’s oral health and determine if orthodontic treatment is necessary.


Understand the treatment options:

Once it has been determined that orthodontic treatment is necessary, the orthodontist will discuss the various treatment options available. This may include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners such as Invisalign. It’s important to understand the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that is best for your child.


Prepare for treatment:

Before beginning treatment, it’s important to make sure your child’s teeth and gums are healthy. This may include getting any necessary dental work done, such as fillings or extractions. Your orthodontist will provide you with a list of any necessary pre-treatment steps.


Know what to expect during treatment:

Orthodontic treatment can be a long process, typically lasting 18-24 months. It’s important to be patient and understanding with your child during this time, as they may experience some discomfort or irritation. Your orthodontist will provide you with instructions for how to care for your child’s braces and aligners and how to manage any discomfort.


Follow the Castle Pines Orthodontics treatment plan:

It’s important to follow the treatment plan prescribed by your orthodontist in order to achieve the best possible results. This may include regular adjustments and visits to the orthodontist. It’s also important to make sure your child is brushing their teeth and aligners properly and avoiding foods that could damage their appliances.


Overall, orthodontic treatment can be a daunting process for both parents and children. However, with the right preparation and support, your child can achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

How to Choose a Family Orthodontist: Everything You Need to Know

One study found that 77% of women believe it’s better to have a receding hairline than a crooked smile. Also, 78% of Americans think that having bad teeth contributes to being unsuccessful in business professions.

If you or your child have concerns about the appearance of your teeth, you’re probably considering visiting a family orthodontist. Finding the best orthodontist in your area will help you avoid the negative self-esteem issues of crooked teeth.

But how do you choose a family orthodontist with so many options out there? Our post will tell you everything you need to know about choosing a family orthodontist.

So, read on to ensure you find the best professional in the orthodontic field to take care of your smile.

Orthodontic Care Experience

Experience in orthodontic care is one of the most important factors when choosing an orthodontist. You want to find a licensed family orthodontist who has plenty of experience in the field.

An experienced orthodontist will have treated a wide variety of orthodontic cases. They’ll know how to handle any complications that may come up. The orthodontist will understand the best treatment methods for your case.

If you’re considering a particular orthodontist, ask about their experience in the field. Find out how many years they’ve been practicing and what kinds of cases they usually see.

It’s also vital to ask whether they have experience in the particular orthodontic treatment you’re interested in.

Orthodontists have plenty of before-and-after photos of their previous patients. These photos can give you a good idea of the orthodontist’s experience in teeth straightening. They’ll help you understand the results you can expect from treatment.


All orthodontists must have a degree from an accredited dental school and a license to practice orthodontics. Many orthodontists choose to pursue further training by completing a residency program.

During their residency, orthodontists receive training in various aspects of orthodontics. This extra training can give orthodontists the skills and knowledge to provide better patient care.

You can ask about their credentials. Most orthodontists list their credentials on their websites. Look for orthodontists who are members of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).

The membership shows that the orthodontist is keeping up with the latest orthodontic care advancements. The best professionals will have a seal of orthodontic excellence from the AAO on their website or office.

You should only work with a licensed family orthodontist. You can contact your state’s dental board to find out if an orthodontist is licensed to practice in your state.

Treatment Options

Orthodontists use a variety of different treatment methods to straighten teeth. The best orthodontists will offer a variety of treatment options to their patients. This way, you can choose the orthodontic treatment that’s right for your individual needs.

Some of the most popular orthodontic treatments include:

  • Traditional braces
  • Invisalign
  • Clear braces
  • Lingual braces
  • Palatal expanders

When considering an orthodontist, ask about the different treatment options they offer. Find out if they provide the orthodontic treatment you’re interested in.

You should also ask about the orthodontist’s experience with different treatment methods. For example, if you want braces for your kid, make sure the orthodontist has plenty of experience with kid braces.

The best family orthodontist will also use the latest technology and appliances to straighten teeth. The latest orthodontic technology can make orthodontic treatment more effective and efficient.

Examples include digital imaging, 3D printing, and self-ligating braces. You should also ensure that the orthodontist understands how to use these technologies.

Office and Work Hours

The orthodontist’s office can tell you a lot about the quality of care you can expect to receive. When considering an orthodontist, take a look at their office.

Is the office clean and organized? Do the staff members seem friendly and professional? These aspects show that you’ll receive high-quality care at the orthodontist’s office.

You should also consider the orthodontist’s office hours. Find out what days and times the orthodontist is available to see patients.

Make sure their office hours fit your schedule. Suppose you have a busy work schedule. You may want to find an orthodontist who offers early morning or evening appointments.


Another important consideration is the orthodontist’s location. You’ll need to visit the orthodontist’s office for regular appointments. So, you’ll want to choose a family orthodontist who’s located near your home or office.

Take some time to research orthodontists in your area. After finding a few orthodontists you’re interested in, check out their websites. Many orthodontists list their addresses and office hours on their websites.

You can also use Google Maps to get directions to the orthodontist’s office. This can help you determine how long it will take to get to the orthodontist’s office for your appointments.

If you have a child receiving orthodontic treatment, you may want to find an orthodontist located near their school or daycare. This way, you can drop them off at their orthodontist appointment on your way to work.

Read Online Reviews

In today’s digital era, you can learn a lot about an orthodontist by reading online reviews. Orthodontic patients often leave reviews of their experiences on orthodontist websites. You can also find reviews on Google and social media sites.

When reading orthodontist reviews, pay attention to both positive and negative reviews. Negative reviews can be just as helpful as positive reviews. They can help you learn about an orthodontist’s strengths and weaknesses.

You should also pay attention to the orthodontists who have a lot of reviews. These professionals are usually more popular, which means that their patients are more likely to trust them.

You can also check the orthodontist’s rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). The BBB is an excellent resource for finding out if an orthodontist is reputable. The website will tell you if the orthodontist has had any complaints filed against them.

Orthodontic Treatment Cost

Orthodontic treatment can be costly. The orthodontist’s fees will depend on the type of orthodontic treatment you’re receiving and the length of your treatment.

You may be able to get orthodontic insurance through your employer. If you have orthodontic insurance, find out which orthodontists in your area accept your insurance.

If you don’t have insurance, you’ll need to pay for orthodontic treatment out of pocket. It would be best to compare the orthodontist’s fees before choosing an orthodontist. Request free quotes from orthodontists in your area to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

You should also find out if the orthodontist offers payment plans. Many orthodontists understand that orthodontic treatment can be expensive. So, they provide financing options to help make orthodontic treatment more affordable.

Ask for Referrals

The options for orthodontists in your area will be endless. That’s why you should use referrals to narrow down the list. If you know someone who has recently gone through orthodontic treatment, ask for a referral.

Your family and friends can give you first-hand information about their orthodontic experiences. They can tell you about the orthodontist’s bedside manner, treatment options, and office hours.

You can ask your family dentist for a referral. Family dentists usually have a good relationship with orthodontists in the area. They can help you find an orthodontist who meets your specific needs.

You can also ask the orthodontist you’re considering to give you the contacts of some of their previous patients. This way, you can get first-hand information about orthodontists from their patients.

Schedule a Consultation

Once you’ve narrowed down your orthodontist options, it’s time to schedule a consultation. Most orthodontists will offer a free consultation. They understand you need to get to know them before you commit to orthodontic treatment.

During the consultation, you’ll get a chance to meet the family orthodontist and their staff. Pay attention to how you’re treated during the consultation. Do the orthodontist and their staff make you feel comfortable?

You should also ask the orthodontist questions about their experience. Ask about orthodontic treatment options and fees. This is your chance to learn everything you need to know about the orthodontist before committing to treatment.

Choose an orthodontist who makes you feel comfortable and who you can trust. After the consultation, you should have a good idea of whether the orthodontist is a good fit for you.

Choose a Family Orthodontist You Can Trust

Orthodontic treatment is a big commitment. You’ll have the best experience in your orthodontic care if you choose an orthodontist who ticks all the boxes for a reliable professional. Follow the tips above to choose a family orthodontist you can trust.

If you’re looking for an orthodontist you can trust in Castle Pines, Colorado, look no further than Castle Pines Orthodontics. Our experienced staff will create a customized treatment plan for you or your family member to keep you smiling beautifully at any age.

Contact us today to get started on your journey to a healthy smile.

Top 5 Reasons to Visit a Family Orthodontist

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More than half of all American adults feel insecure about their teeth. About 62% cover their mouths when they laugh. Meanwhile, 61% wish they could do something to change the appearance of their teeth.

Crookedness, receding gums, and spaces between the teeth are among their top concerns.

If these concerns sound familiar, consider visiting your family orthodontist. Looking for the best orthodontist near me can improve your smile. It can help you avoid potential oral health issues like gum disease in the future, too.

Not sure if it’s time to visit an orthodontic specialist? Here are five reasons to schedule an appointment right away.

Read on to discover when you need to see an orthodontist about your teeth!


1. Crooked Teeth

If there’s a gap in your smile, the surrounding teeth could begin to lean toward the gap. Your teeth might start to look crooked as a result. If you find your crooked teeth unseemly, you might begin hiding your smile behind closed lips.

Don’t hide that beautiful smile any longer. Instead, look for the best orthodontist in Castle Pines. A professional can help straighten your teeth.

Your ortho might recommend Invisalign clear aligners or traditional metal braces. About 20% of people with braces today are adults.

You might also want to visit an orthodontist for braces if you have:

  • Difficulty pronouncing certain sounds due to your tongue’s position
  • A jaw that clicks or makes noises
  • Stress or fatigue on the jawline
  • Teeth that look crooked or crowded
  • A tendency to bite your tongue
  • Teeth that don’t close over each other properly
  • Difficulty flossing teeth
  • Difficulty brushing teeth

It’s sometimes difficult to brush and floss when your teeth are crooked. Without proper oral care, your risk of tooth decay or gum disease could increase.

If these situations sound familiar, consider orthodontic treatment like braces.

Otherwise, consider taking your child in for an appointment no later than age 7. Early treatment can help improve outcomes.

2. Bite Issues

Start looking for an orthodontist near me if you have a:

  • Crossbite
  • Overbite
  • Underbite

A consultation appointment can help you determine if you’re experiencing any of these orthodontic issues.


If upper teeth cross behind lower teeth, you have a crossbite. You might also have a crossbite if teeth don’t meet on each site. You could experience asymmetric jaw growth as a result.

Without treatment, your gum line might recede. Gum recession can also occur due to accelerated wear and tear on the teeth.

Treatment can help you avoid complications like TMJ disorder.


If your top teeth overlap with the bottom teeth, you have an overbite. It’s normal to have a minor overbite. It could get worse over time if not corrected, though.

When you can no longer see your lower teeth each time you smile, it’s time to visit a family orthodontist. Otherwise, wear and tear can cause you to lose protective tooth enamel. You could leave your teeth vulnerable to decay.

Your risk of losing a tooth due to an accident might increase as well. For example, you could knock a tooth out due to a car or sporting accident.


When the bottom teeth overlap with the top teeth, you have an underbite.

You might notice chewing difficulties if you have an untreated underbite. When you don’t chew your food thoroughly, it can cause digestive issues. An underbite might cause premature signs of aging, impacting your appearance as well.

Treating any of these bite issues can improve the appearance of your smile, speech, and ability to chew.

3. Gaps Between Teeth

Consider visiting your family orthodontist if you or your child has large gaps between teeth.

Sometimes, these gaps can make patients feel self-conscious. Large gaps between your teeth can put your oral health at risk, too.

Each time you eat, food particles and bacteria can hide between the gaps in your smile. The particles and bacteria can mix to form plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance that can cling to your teeth.

Over time, plaque can harden, creating tartar. You’ll need to have tartar removed by a dental professional. Otherwise, your oral health can become compromised further.

Visit an orthodontist to discuss your treatment options. Orthodontic treatment can help close the gaps in your smile.

4. Pain When Chewing

Sometimes, it’s not enough to look in the mirror to determine if you need orthodontic treatment. For example, you might think pain when chewing indicates you need to visit the dentist. However, your dentist might decide to refer you to your family orthodontist.

Pain when chewing could indicate a larger problem.

It’s possible you’ve started grinding your teeth at night. As a result, your jaw might feel sore when you wake up. If this problem sounds familiar, make sure to visit a specialist right away.

Understanding the root cause of the problem will help you begin the correct course of treatment.

Otherwise, tooth grinding (bruxism) can lead to complications. For example, your protective tooth enamel will begin to wear down. You can’t “regrow” enamel once it’s gone.

You might struggle to sleep at night if you’re in pain, too.

5. Speech Issues

Issues with your tooth alignment can also cause issues with your speech. For example, you might have difficulty pronouncing words and sounds. You might also develop a lisp if your teeth aren’t properly aligned.

If you or your child has developed speech issues, visit your family orthodontist right away. They’ll suggest solutions that can straighten your teeth.

The appearance of your smile will improve, as will your ability to speak clearly.

Straight Smiles: 5 Tell-Tale Reasons to Visit Castle Pines Orthodontics Today

Don’t let orthodontic issues impact your quality of life. If these problems sound familiar, visit your family orthodontist right away. A consultation appointment can help you discover issues you may not have realized, too.

With orthodontic treatment, you can straighten your smile and minimize your risk of complications down the road.

Eager to schedule your next appointment? We’re here to help.

Contact us today to get started.
